Happy #manicuremonday y'all!! :)
Another week, another manicure! And as you'll see, I just can't get enough of the studded mani. I love how they allow you to make a typically girly or a plain polish manicure a little more edgy and dressed up without going overboard.
[From left to right: Sally Hansen "Miracle nail thickener--a base coat that gives you a little extra, Maybelline New York "Onyx Rush", Milani "Good Morning Sunshine", wax pencil and nail studs from Amazon, clear topcoat]
Here's how I got my new mani:
1. Apply your base coat.2. Apply two coats of black polish, letting dry between coats. (Make sure the black polish is completely dry before moving on to the remain steps).
3. On both the middle and index fingers brush on gold polish. For more of a gold leaf look, I wipe off most of the polish so that there's very little polish left and brush on almost in a criss-cross pattern.
4. On your thumbs and pinkie fingers apply a dot of nail glue towards the base of your nail, then either with a wax pencil or a pair of tweezers, apply a stud. Let sit for a second or two before carefully applying gentle pressure to the stud for better adherence (I then apply more nail glue on top for extra hold, and then right after, a top coat to smooth it all out).
5. On your ring fingers apply two dots of nail glue one right above the other, apply studs. Top with glue and top coat as in step four.
6. Apply top coat to index and middle fingers.

**Check out my other studded manicure here.
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